Life is a journey.
Some short-term destinations can take you by surprise. Others you visualise and create.
What started as an ordinary morning in August 2011 became a life changer for me.
On the spur of the moment, I felt the compulsion to sit at our garden table and write what was to become my first book. If I thought that was that, I was wrong. This short stopover was to grab my life by the horns, shake it about and throw it as far as it could. A few months later, on our belated honeymoon in New York, my husband and I discovered that my humble little ebook How to be Chic & Elegant, my little repository of French Chic tips, was an Amazon best-seller. Soon after, its ranking climbed up to No 1. best-seller in its three categories! Little old me, who was already satisfied with her achievement of just writing a book was in shock, to say the least. So far, my life had pretty much carried me, taking me to places that were soooo predictable. Now it was time to change all that and create a rodeo of a ride. Yeehaa! As this exciting event coincided with stress and unhappiness in my corporate life, the next turn in the road was to leave my job. Spurred on by my readers' supportive messages and comments, three other books followed soon after (Plus size, Pear Shape and The Tidy Closet). I no longer worked 7.5 hours five days a week with holidays in between, but 12 to 16 hours, seven days a week, with no days off! But I was glowing and happy. My ability and eagerness to help other women to feel better about themselves by dressing well felt like a gift. It still does. Fast forward a few years, and I've lived a luxurious lifestyle in the tropics for 2.5 years, and am now living in France, closer to our families and our sons. Some people have told me I’m lucky. Well, I believe you make your own luck. I DECIDED to change my life. So I did. Anybody can do it. Not many people want to. Of course, this lifestyle of mine has its challenges. My income goes up and down, like a mountain road. When the internet goes offline, my online business goes pouf! But, I wouldn’t get my old life back if you paid me. I don’t miss office politics, for one thing. I can´t very well argue with myself! And, I LOVE working from home, wherever it happens to be in the world. Whether sitting by the pool, on the beach, on the sofa or kitchen table, in Jersey, Mexico or France, I can write. I enjoy this flexibility. If I want or need to start working at 4 or 5AM and finish at 11PM, I do it. If I want to go to the local market in the morning or have my hair done in the afternoon, I go for it. If I don’t feel well and want a nap, I go and lie down. I don’t have to ask anyone’s permission and I love that. I LOVE my freedom! Right now, I feel total gratitude to be able to live this freedom lifestyle, this laptop lifestyle, whatever we call it. I truly do. I thank my wonderful, supportive family and online friends from all over the globe. I thank my readers and clients every single day. They all keep me going. Their messages and testimonials warm my heart. They are grateful for my help in changing their lives. I am grateful for their help in changing mine! Going through one of my websites this morning, I was amazed at all the content I've produced: the books and blog posts I wrote, the many online courses I created, the Youtube videos I shot (one about leggings where I look demented as it was shot in 38C heat!) and the French Chic Academy I founded last year from Mexico. How could I do all this? How could I steer my life so far away from its supposed course? Because I made the decision to make it happen. And I believed my life could change. Do you believe you can make change happen for you? If you want to make changes to your life or yourself, have a LOOK HERE FOR POSSIBILITIES... Life is yours for the taking! A Bientôt Marie-Anne x
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