If you are like me, you can resist everything but temptation ;0)
Is this why diets aimed at women are doomed to fail? Don't eat this, deny yourself that. Don't, deny, give up, resist. Oh dear...
The language of diets is all about denial!
After so much denial, is it any wonder that every little bit of temptation siren-sings to you until you crack and give up on your restrictive diet? But, just imagine a world with no more fad diets, no more yo-yo dieting, no more fear about food. No more denial :0o Just imagine being able to eat what you want with no guilt. You want a glass of wine? Have one! You want a cream cake? Have one! You will be amazed at just how easy it is to succumb to your love of food and still maintain your weight or even lose some. If however, you want to stay on your countless diets, counting calories, denying yourself things you love to eat, if you want to keep on feeling guilty about food, then I can't help you. This email isn't directed at you. I am sorry if you want to keep on denying yourself one of life's ultimate pleasures. If however, you want to live free from guilt at breakfast, lunch and dinner. If you want to feel the wonderful release that eating like a French woman can give you, then read on. This is for you! EAT LIKE A FRENCH WOMAN I've stayed the same size for years by eating like I was taught to do and by enjoying food immensely. I indulge in all of my food loves. I adore warm chocolates that seem to kiss your throat, pastries that delight you with both sweet and sharp flavours and surprise you with different textures, rich cream sauces on delicately scented fish dishes, unctuous sweet gravies on hot winter roasts and, of course, wine! Crisp scented whites that speak of warm summers gone, bouquet scented, rosés pétillants that sparkle across your tongue and full red wines that burst heavy into hints of blackberry and oak in the mouth. I can't fully describe my sweet sweet love affair with food to you on the page but I assure you there was never anyone that enjoyed calorie laden foodstuffs like me yet I manage to keep my figure! YOUR love affair with food awaits, don't deny yourself the full pleasure of food any longer. Are you tempted yet? By listening to you and hundreds of other women who are, frankly, fed up of those crazy fad diets, I decided to help and share how we French women eat. So I created EAT LIKE A FRENCH WOMAN. Not only will this ecourse free you from guilt and fear about food, it will also save you far more than the money you spend annually on diets. The diet industry costs women billions of dollars every year. Special books, special foods, special ingredients, the outlay on these fad diets is never ending. The only thing special about my course is that it is so simple. You eat normally! No special ingredients to purchase ever again. And what's more, because it works you won't have to buy a whole new wardrobe! You'll save far more than the cost of the course by never having to diet again! Yes, that's right, never have to diet again! Well, I do have something special for you if you grab one of those last remaining 50 spots at a reduced rate! Let me show you how you can indulge your cravings and maintain your figure. Those 50 spaces at a 1/3 off the regular price are filling up very fast, so don't miss out! Women just like you are already finding out how to eat like a French woman and redefine their relationship with food. You can't afford to miss out. By the time you read this, those special spaces may be already all GONE! :0( (But don't worry, you will still be able to purchase this ecourse but at the normal price.) EAT LIKE A FRENCH WOMAN A Bientôt Marie-Anne x
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